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Tutorial Programme 2022 (Online) at University of Cambridge, UK (15)

author: Meng Lingjie Date: 2022-11-23 View:

It’s a great honor for me to attend this programme which taught me a lot. Through this programme, I deeply felt the cultural difference between professor and us. At first lecture, we use a lot of time to match our mind, and fortunately we cooperated better and better in the next lectures. I learned and understood the aim of social policy, and professor also give us two case studies, ——social care policy and higher education policy in UK, to further comprehend the operation of social policy in UK. I major in labour and social welfare now, and I am going to take my graduate course next year majoring in public policy. Therefore this programme as the introduction lessons enabled me to see the public policies in UK and the European ideas which was pretty important under the context of globalization.


In the course of the programme, Prof. Max really helped us a lot. He is very patient, sophisticated and benevolent. Because of the tiny class scope, he gave us a lot opportunities to express our opinions which was different with Chinese teaching method and show great respect on Chinese cultures and customs. Before every lecture, he prepared various reading materials helping us to have great understanding on particular policies. I improved a lot from this programme, not only on my English skills like reading and listening but also on my academic skills like theoretical framework and international perspective, and all these things are significantly meaningful in my future life.


At last, I really appreciate the teacher and associated teacher stellar who made the conversation more convenient and efficient. What is more, it is a such worth of celebration thing for me to know new friends Hao and Lee. Although we come from different major and different grade, we still have many comfortable discussions and conversations.


Thanks all for who contributed to this programme.