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Tutorial Programme 2022 (Online) at University of Cambridge, UK (7)

author: Liu Xinran Date: 2022-03-01 View:

I am honored to participate in the Cambridge Tutorial programme. In this programme, I learned about Demarcation, Scientific Revolutions, Values and Science and Realism related to the philosophy of science and technology, read some literature, participated in class discussions with my supervisor and classmates, and tried to write an essay in English.


I am very grateful to our professor Dr. Milena Ivanova. She gave us wonderful lectures and made us immersed in the field of philosophy of science and technology. Also, she communicated with us patiently and provided one-on-one guidance. Thanks to moderator Kahlo Gong for her contribution. She made various announcements in a timely manner and communicated with us amicably. Thanks for the help of my classmates.


It was very challenging for me to take this course. I need to overcome language difficulties and make up for lack of knowledge. However, it also makes perfect sense. I gained new knowledge and improved my language skills. I experienced the unique teaching form of group teaching and enriched my experience. I am very grateful to the teachers at Jilin University and University of Cambridge for giving me this opportunity to participate in this online training course for the first time. This is a very precious time.