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Tutorial Programme 2022 (Online) at University of Oxford, UK (1)

author: Hu Qiaolan Date: 2022-05-20 View:

Part1: The preliminary preparation for the project

1. Combing through the ancient Greek philosophies (especially the philosophies of Aristotle and Plato)

2. Ask questions that interest you

3. Read philosophical books on moral ethics, ancient Greek philosophy of mind, etc


Part2: Evaluation of curriculum, teaching methods, organization, etc

1. Before each tutor class, you need to write a simple precision to summarize your reading situation

2. There are many recommended literature to read, which can expand philosophical horizons, learn new angles and methods of argumentation, and also generate new academic problems.


Part3: The harvest of participating in the project

1. The English vocabulary of ancient Greek philosophy has been expanded.

2. The metaphysical and zoological aspects of Aristotle in ancient Greek philosophy are better understood.

3. There has been significant progress in speaking and listening, and the speed of reading English professional literature has also improved.

4. Have a clearer understanding of the vocabulary, structure and expression that need to be paid attention to when writing philosophical papers.


Part4: Suggestions for this project and similar projects in the future

1. It is recommended that students improve their reading speed and spend more time reading literature at the beginning.

2. It is recommended that students participating in the project invest patience and carefully read the literature, if they can consistently adhere to it, they will make great progress.

3. It is recommended that the interval between the opening ceremony and the official opening of the course be extended. This time it was carried out in two consecutive days.

4. It is recommended that students participating in the project have a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the representative views of the philosophical field to be discussed before participating. It is best to be able to form your own system, the view of the system, and then be able to learn with problems.