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Tutorial Programme 2022 (Online) at University of Oxford, UK (8)

author: Wan Linjie Date: 2022-05-20 View:

It has been a tremendously wonderful experience to take part in the tutorial with the tutor Janine Gühler, and the team partner Liu Yibing. We have been reading and discussing Ancient Epistemology and Virtue Ethics intensively throughout the whole process. Janine is very kind and helpful. She assigned and noted the important reading materials for each tutorial section and all those sections were interrelated. During each section, she encouraged us to speak out our own understanding of the text. Although it was hard for both of us to coherently tell our thoughts, with her kind help and encouragement, we got more and more familiar with talking and discussing philosophical questions in English. Janine always respects our opinions. Instead of defeating apparently wrong thoughts, she patiently goes back and forth helping us find out why we have such views towards certain texts.


I have learned a lot in this tutorial. The themes of the tutorial was Ancient Epistemology and Virtue Ethics, which was made according to my interests and Yibings. i experienced a lot of exposure of ancient philosophy texts and the guidance of philosophical question under the general subject of epistemology and ethics, during the tutorial. Janine did not just raise questions and answer questions by herself. Instead, she progressed at our speed. As both Yibing and me are relatively more familiar with Plato and Aristotles texts and unfamiliar with the philosophical issues at debate, Janine always based the scholars debate at the texts, and suggested how to deal with different interpretations regarding a single piece of passages. It is very interesting and inspiring.


The team behind the tutorial, the stuffs from JLU and Oxford, without them this could not even be carried out. They have been stand by all through the whole process. And I am very grateful for their support.