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Tutorial Programme 2022 (Online) at University of Oxford, UK (14)

author: Zhou Jie Date: 2022-05-20 View:

During the two-month-long programme, Ive gained some progress especially in academic writing and communication, also a systemic understanding of some most important themes and concepts in ancient philosophy is to some degree earned through selected reading materials and feedback from the tutor. I tried my first English essays, read more English papers than ever, and improved my already existing interests while also explored new ones. As for the subject-matter of the programme, I think at least a glimpse of another mode of study is shown to us, and specifically concerning ancient philosophy, Im now much more familiar with some prominent scholars and current debates and developments, and thankfully I may have made more sense when I really begin to be aware of the things that Ive long ago begun to hear about, to learn about, and to talk about. Three months ago, I did constantly stop to consider some arguments in some of Platos dialogues and find them rather weird, but I didnt know some confusion is not private and had already been discussed through, and its not enough just to pause and mark my question marks; and when I did find some paragraphs rather intriguing, but I wasnt able to actually locate its fascination, nor was I able to have an opinion, both detailed and organised, about it. Despite my strong drives, scientific thinking and more professional methods are not to be ignored, which, owing to the programme, I paid much more attention to and did progressed. Both before and after the programme is completed, I believe it can be better, and regrets my mistakes and wrongdoings during it, but those also became a push. In conclusion, Im thankful to the opportunity and wish it benefits more.