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Academic exchanges at Seoul National University, POK (13)

author: Zhai Hengrui Date: 2019-12-18 View:

My name is Zhai Hengrui.I'm glad to have the chance to take part in this project to go to Seoul National University. This project is a very important experience for me and I receive a lot. We visited two nursing home in this trip and 4 University in Korea.such as Ewha Womans University, Seoul National University, Yonsei University ,Hongik University and Sungkyunkwan University. The scenery of these campus is very beautiful and distinctive. I have listened to many lectures since I came to Korea. I like the academic atmosphere here and I found out I fell in love here.

After coming to Korea, I listened many lectures, which benefited me a lot. Although the time of this study is short, but I have to say this trip brings me a life time of wealth and Unforgettable memories. Lectures of social security have improved my professional knowledge and I have learned about the field and direction of social security in Seoul National University in Korea. We had a delicious lunch in the canteen of Seoul We had a delicious lunch in the canteen of Seoul University University. Although the ingredients are simple, they are still delicious. Korean food that I eat in China is not authentic in Korea and it is really amazing.

This trip went to Korea is an academic feast, which broaden my horizons and enrich my life. It makes me feel like I need to work harder to be better. This trip has brought me a lot, not only academic but also life. This is the end of the 7-day journey, but I will never forget this wonderful journey. Different campus environment, different academic discussion, different food, different academic atmosphere make me feel very happy. This is the wealth in my life.