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Academic exchanges at Seoul National University, POK (14)

author: Zhang Ning Date: 2019-12-18 View:

I am very glad that this 7-day short-term training has been successfully concluded. Let me now write some experiences and experiences, but I don’t know where to start for a while, although I have a lot of thoughts in my heart.


This training also gave me a deeper understanding of Korean society, history and culture, especially the content of social security.


We know that many countries around the world have different understandings of social security, which are reflected in many aspects. The most prominent is that most European and American countries call social welfare, and they have declared that they have established a welfare state. Although there is still controversy in China's academic circles, the social security is generally recognized by the Chinese government. In fact, not only are the names different, but also the content, connotation, and boundaries of social security and social welfare in different countries are also different. This has inextricable relations with the politics, culture, and history of each country. The result of common choice with citizens. Although there are many differences, there are still generalities in more aspects.

Social security in South Korea is called social welfare, and the majors of the Seoul University we visited include social welfare. According to the introduction of Chinese students, this major is more about theory and government social policy, and of course it also involves some practical aspects. Content. We were warmly welcomed by Professor Jin Shuohao from the Institute of Social Welfare, Seoul National University, and gave us an overview of the development of the Institute of Social Welfare, including the history of the Institute's development, the research direction of the Institute professor and his professors, etc. Welfare Institute has a deep understanding. Which made me feel that the scope and content that the professors of the Institute of Social Welfare can study is really too extensive, involving all aspects of social reality, and that the research is practically close to the reality of society, in our words, it is very grounded, like research The research topics of some professors are "Youth Dream Capital", "AI Intelligence" and "Companion Animals", etc. I think this is something we can learn from them.

As a scholar, I think what is most needed is to be concerned with the rapidly changing social reality, find out the problems that arise in society, and analyze and study them, instead of waiting for the government to propose a social policy, swarming to the government Policy research and analysis. I acknowledge that the research and analysis of government policy is necessary, but it is more important that scholars dare to discover social problems, raise and envisage solving them. In particular, as a researcher of social security that affects the vital interests of every member of society, I believe that "making a living for the people" is our most basic belief. What we need to do is to think for the people and serve the vital interests of all people. This is also in line with our party's purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly.

The main experience of this training is the above. Although there are still many resentments and nostalgias in my heart, this training has become part of my good memory of life. I am very fortunate to be able to complete this training with my teachers and classmates. Thanks to all the teachers for their hard work, and also to my classmates who helped me during this training and learning. We will see you again when the fate comes.